Tuesday, 24 September 2013

End of term 3

Another  very busy term but very rewarding as all my children have made huge gains in their learning - literacy and numeracy.  I have been challenged with the behaviour of one child and with support from
collegues I are continually reflecting and trying new strategies with him. On watching the video on Restorative practices by Kay Hutchinson it has reminded me about the conversations that i do have with this child  and all children re the impact of their behaviours and the importance of making quality time for these conversations to happen. This can be a new goal for me in term 4.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marion
    Sometimes it can be difficult to see the sense in RP when the behaviour is so severe or just continues. We have to remember that with RP we may not see the results instantly, however if we continue to sccaffold them, later on in a few years time the results will be there. So keep persevering, you are doing a great job.
