Tuesday, 24 September 2013

End of term 3

Another  very busy term but very rewarding as all my children have made huge gains in their learning - literacy and numeracy.  I have been challenged with the behaviour of one child and with support from
collegues I are continually reflecting and trying new strategies with him. On watching the video on Restorative practices by Kay Hutchinson it has reminded me about the conversations that i do have with this child  and all children re the impact of their behaviours and the importance of making quality time for these conversations to happen. This can be a new goal for me in term 4.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013


Kia ora koutou

This  year I am intending to reflect on personal e-learning more frequently, this is my goal for the year, hence this comment today.
This does include Room 5's Blog - reflecting and sharing on my children's learning regularly, as this is a wonderful way to connect and share with our families, wider community and worldwide.
So, watch this space!!!

Ka kite