Tuesday, 31 May 2011

My journey so far

So here I am trying again to publish a post - I am really excited at the prospect of a making a post this afternoon, so here goes. I know that I am at the emergent level of being a Blogger - as there is heaps to learn. So kia kaha Marion!


  1. Keep going Marion! You are going really well with this new technology!
    Looking forward to watching your ICT knowledge and skills grow and grow!!

  2. Well done Marion! It is marvelous to see everyone learning new skills - no matter what speed they do it at! Kia Kaha to mahi.

  3. woohoo you did it Marion! Keep it up. I was thinking we may need to have an enviro-agents blog so that all the enviro-agent groups can share what is happening like the middles, making worm farms, the seniors play and junior planting. What do you think?
