Monday, 1 August 2011


Kia ora
I''ve had time to reflect about ICT and my efforts at blogging. I"ve tried posting comments and flips, but realise that I need to practice more often as I  forget processes very quickly ( this is not an age thing!) I need real authentic purposes so I am really looking forward to creating a class blog for my new Room 5 learners.  This will be the motivation that I need to get on with it , so watch this space......
Ka kite ano.

Monday, 20 June 2011

Getting going

I can see that it is all a little clearer now that I am making posts more often - way to go Marion! Thanks Marcelle and other teachers for your encouragement.

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

My journey so far

So here I am trying again to publish a post - I am really excited at the prospect of a making a post this afternoon, so here goes. I know that I am at the emergent level of being a Blogger - as there is heaps to learn. So kia kaha Marion!

My ICT Journey

It looks like I have just started on my journey - I know that it will take time and there will be many challenges. But it is really exciting and I am always open to the challenges of new learning. So watch this space!!
Kia kaha Marion!!!!

Tuesday, 3 May 2011